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Ecology and evolution

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The graduate knows and understands:

  1. the complexity of ecological processes and phenomena on the basis of empirical evidence found in various disciplines
  2. methodology of biological sciences with a special focus on ecology and evolutionism; they can critically analyze data using relevant mathematical and statistical methods
  3. issues in biological sciences necessary to understand relations, dependencies and functioning of an organism in the environment
  4. issues in ecology, evolutionism and selected specializations in biological sciences, thanks to which they notice the relations and dependencies on different levels of functioning of natural environment
  5. current and new global threats to natural environment
  6. the complexity of dependencies and mechanisms of evolution
  7. current and significant research achievements and developmental trends in ecology, evolutionism and molecular biology
  8. basic and advanced methods of modeling the occurrence of phenomena and biological processes using mathematical, statistical and computational methods
  9. principles of planning research, verifying research hypotheses, as well as research techniques and aids used in ecology and molecular biology
  10. rules of acquiring and settling academic and developmental  projects in the field of biological sciences
  11. basic work safety regulations and the principles of ergonomics
  12. principles of intellectual property protection and copyrights
  13. general principles of encouraging and developing individual entrepreneurship, using knowledge of ecology
  14. dynamic  development of biological sciences and the rise of new programmes of study and research fields


The graduate is able to:

  1. use advanced research techniques and tools specific for various fields of ecology
  2. search for and use scientific data in English obtained from various sources
  3. use specialist English terminology in ecology and biology 
  4. critically analyze and select information, especially obtained from electronic sources
  5. plan and carry out research tasks or expert work under the guidance of an academic supervisor
  6. use advanced statistical tools and numerical techniques relevant for solving problems in ecology and related sciences
  7. use specialist knowledge to interpret and collect empirical data and to draw appropriate conclusions
  8. correctly formulate conclusions and judgements on the basis of collected empirical data
  9. prepare academic presentation using various verbal and multimedia techniques
  10. write research paper in English that would present their own research and scientific findings
  11. communicate freely in English and deliver a presentation on detailed issues in ecology, evolutionism and related fields
  12. use language skills in the field of biology following the requirements set for the B2+ level by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  13. independently plan their professional or academic career

Social competences


The graduate is ready to:

  1. work in a team, assuming different roles, planning their tasks especially in terms of taking up different responsibilities and managing time
  2. listen to, accept or reject proposals offered by other team members
  3. appropriately define priorities related to the tasks assumed by themselves or by others
  4. identify and solve dilemmas related to their job following ethical principles
  5. realistically evaluate the dangers resulting from the applied research techniques and set up a safe work environment paying attention to the principles of ergonomics
  6. think and act in the spirit of entrepreneurship, taking into consideration the principles of sustainability
  7. take advantage of lifelong learning, inspire and organize the process of learning of others
  8. apply self-criticism and draw conclusions on the basis of self-analysis
  9. consistently apply and popularize the rules of a strictly empirical interpretation of biological phenomena and processes in research and practice
  10. use well-established sources of academic information and apply the principles of critical thinking in solving practical problems