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Classes conducted in laboratories

Classes conducted in laboratories

Classes conducted in laboratories of the Faculty of Biology of the Jagiellonian University (November - January 2020/21)

The list of courses conducted at the Faculty of Biology within four fields of study: Biology, Neurobiology, Environmental protection and management and Ecology and evolution



  1. WBNZ-993 A, B - Ekologia
  2. WBNZ-865 - Ecology of fungi
  3. WBNZ-866 - Ecophysiology of insects
  4. WBNZ-475 – Genetyka
  5. WBNZ-149 - Histologiczne techniki
  6. WBNZ-998 - Mikroskopia praktyczna i obrazowanie w biologii
  7. WB.INS-27 - Molecular Ecology
  8. WB.INS.P-48 - Practice in environmental sciences
  9. WB.INS.P-46 - Practical protozoology 
  10. WBNZ-222 - Protozoologia praktyczna
  11. WBNZ-812 - Techniki entomologiczne - hodowla, zbiór, konserwacja, preparowanie owadów
  12. WBNZ-852 - The ecology and conservation of Carnivora
  13. WBNZ-940  Chemia organiczna - od 30 listopada 2020 
  14. WBNZ-962 Biofizyka - od 23 listopada.